I know. Get real… unlikely, but then employers get it wrong every day of the week.
If you have been suspended from work, pending disciplinary action, no doubt your heart is in your mouth, your palms feel sweaty and you may be shaking from fear, shame and confusion. You maybe searching your memory or going over that incident in your mind again and again.
However, it is possible that your suspension has been conducted unlawfully and there is no way you should have been suspended.
Here are some points to consider if you have just been suspended;
- In recent employment tribunal judgements it has been thought that ‘suspension,’ even on full pay, is not a ‘neutral act’. The judgement held that employers need to think really carefully before suspending any employee pending a disciplinary investigation and hearing.
- Suspension is advised to be used only in circumstance where there is significant risk of the accused employee tampering with the investigation, or attendance in work will cause detriment to the business interests. Perhaps where the alleged offence involves sexual harassment or the chances of the employee using company information to their personal or commercial advantage, suspension might be justified.
So what might this mean for you? Well it could mean that if you have been suspended from work pending disciplinary action you will have a strong case for unfair dismissal even if you are guilty of the allegations and your employer concludes a fair disciplinary hearing. Therefore what you do next might be crucial. Get some advice specific to your case to ensure you protect your job and livelihood and determine if suspension in your case is warranted.
Don’t suffer alone, at HR Solver we have helped hundreds of people fight their corner at work through education and advice on employment rights without paying the high costs of a lawyer (think of us as the anti-lawyer ;-)). Instead our fully CIPD qualified HR experts are on hand to help you.

FREE GUIDE to determine if you have a good Employment tribunal Case
Not sure if you have a strong case or even any case at all for an employment tribunal?
Not sure if you should make a fuss? Feel lost and unsure? Download our free guide and in less than 5 minutes you'll know the answers and if you have a claim that might be worth something.

How to write a powerful appeal letter so your employer takes you seriously.
Learn how to create a powerful appeal letter which makes your employer really consider your case and understand that you are a force to be reckoned with...even if you are no good at letter writing.
If you have been dismissed unfairly (sacked) or issued with a disciplinary warning with no process this detailed and effective training enables you to write a powerful appeal letter. Includes, templates, timelines and training.

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Online interviews are definitely the future! If you need to reset your confidence levels for an online interview and not sure how to engage this course is for you. We cover the mindset and technology that you need to be successful and of course all the questions and the best responses and how to beat all the other candidates to the job. Plus there is an amazing session by a LinkedIn expert on how to impress and update your LinkedIn profile.
online interview coming up?
Online interviews are definitely the future! If you need to reset your confidence levels for an online interview and not sure how to engage this course is for you. We cover the mindset and technology that you need to be successful and of course all the questions and the best responses and how to beat all the other candidates to the job. Plus there is an amazing session by a LinkedIn expert on how to impress and update your LinkedIn profile.

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Never been to a disciplinary meeting? You're not alone! It's a scary thought. Worried about it being fair, how to act, what to say, what not to say and how to prepare? Download our free checklist so you go into the meeting feeling prepared, confident and able to challenge effectively. Our checklist will prepare you with everything you NEED to know.

redundancy APPEal Letter template
  Need to appeal your redundancy but not sure what to say and how to start? If you feel your redundancy was a sham or that redundancy has been used as an excuse or the company has not followed the lawful redundancy procedure. Download our quick and easy to use letter template an have your appeal letter ready in less than an hour. You'll write a professional, legally correct appeal letter stating your case intelligently. It is so easy to use as we've done all the work for you! Plus you can get support from a redundancy expert!