Step 1
Look through the respondents ‘rebuttals’ and highlight the key points and then think about what evidence you have to support your claim and counter their arguments.
Step 2
To help with step one, if you haven’t already, make a ‘strategic’ Subject Access Request, also known as a SAR to get specific information and evidence relating to your case and the points you are planning to make.
Step 3
Follow the case management orders and timeframes and remember to copy in the employment tribunal office, but don’t be surprised or upset when you find your employer’s solicitors do not follow the timescales set out. This is very common. As is the tribunal judge granting extensions.
Step 4
Isolate the ‘essence of your case’ and how it relates to the law. If you are claiming race discrimination for example what were the specific actions that make you believe it was racial discrimination, how did your treatment compare to a white British individual or what evidence of biases against you can you find? When did these incidents happen and how, write down every little action. If your case is unfair dismissal, why was your dismissal unfair, was it the decision or process or both?
Step 5
Decide on the number. Decide on ‘a number’ you would take to avoid an employment tribunal, even if you have turned down settlement offers before. You might find as you get nearer to your tribunal date and you become more anxious, a decent amount of money is more favourable to standing up and making your case as a witness.
Step 6
Prepare your schedule of loss excel spreadsheet. An excel spreadsheet is preferable to a fixed word or PDF as an excel with appropriate formulas can be updated as time passes and you get closer to the tribunal. This means you have less work than you would have to do if starting from scratch every time you need to submit your updated Schedule of loss. An updated schedule of loss will change to account for the time passed or additional losses. You can then transfer it on to a word/PDF for the final bundle submission. We have a quick training on how to create your schedule of loss which also includes an excel spreadsheet that neatly updates things for you and makes it clear.
Step 7
Request the draft bundle index early and set a deadline for it. Before you see it, itemise all the things you’d expect your employer to include in the bundle and then write a list of all the documents you would like to include. As things change with the bundle ask the other side to highlight the changes they’ve made on deletions and inclusions.
Step 8
Prepare your witness statements and prepare mentally to be a witness and a cross examiner- this is critical to making your case. In England you are required to prepare your witness statements in advance and have them ready to pass over to the tribunal and respondent to read, in Scotland you normally prepare a statement, similar to the statement, but the difference is that you would most likely read your statement aloud.
We have training here on how to write your witness statement in a tribunal ready format and also prepare yourself confidently to give evidence and withstand the respondent’s lawyer’s cross examination, right down to how to answer questions and where to focus your gaze. The training also covers how to cross examination witnesses from your ex-employer. Our training also gives you some advice on how to get key witnesses to the tribunal if your ex-employer is not planning to call them.
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FREE GUIDE to determine if you have a good Employment tribunal Case
Not sure if you have a strong case or even any case at all for an employment tribunal?
Not sure if you should make a fuss? Feel lost and unsure? Download our free guide and in less than 5 minutes you'll know the answers and if you have a claim that might be worth something.

How to write a powerful appeal letter so your employer takes you seriously.
Learn how to create a powerful appeal letter which makes your employer really consider your case and understand that you are a force to be reckoned with...even if you are no good at letter writing.
If you have been dismissed unfairly (sacked) or issued with a disciplinary warning with no process this detailed and effective training enables you to write a powerful appeal letter. Includes, templates, timelines and training.

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Online interviews are definitely the future! If you need to reset your confidence levels for an online interview and not sure how to engage this course is for you. We cover the mindset and technology that you need to be successful and of course all the questions and the best responses and how to beat all the other candidates to the job. Plus there is an amazing session by a LinkedIn expert on how to impress and update your LinkedIn profile.
online interview coming up?
Online interviews are definitely the future! If you need to reset your confidence levels for an online interview and not sure how to engage this course is for you. We cover the mindset and technology that you need to be successful and of course all the questions and the best responses and how to beat all the other candidates to the job. Plus there is an amazing session by a LinkedIn expert on how to impress and update your LinkedIn profile.

FREE Disciplinary Meeting Checklist Download
Never been to a disciplinary meeting? You're not alone! It's a scary thought. Worried about it being fair, how to act, what to say, what not to say and how to prepare? Download our free checklist so you go into the meeting feeling prepared, confident and able to challenge effectively. Our checklist will prepare you with everything you NEED to know.

redundancy APPEal Letter template
  Need to appeal your redundancy but not sure what to say and how to start? If you feel your redundancy was a sham or that redundancy has been used as an excuse or the company has not followed the lawful redundancy procedure. Download our quick and easy to use letter template an have your appeal letter ready in less than an hour. You'll write a professional, legally correct appeal letter stating your case intelligently. It is so easy to use as we've done all the work for you! Plus you can get support from a redundancy expert!