On the 1st October 2014 new rules came into force that enables fathers-to-be and partners of pregnant women to take time off for antenatal appointments. The Children and Families Act 2014 aimed to give employees more flexibility so that it is not just pregnant women who are entitled to time off.
The rules allow a prospective father or other qualifying person to take time off work to attend two antenatal appointments for a maximum of six and a half hours each time.
You would be deemed to have a ‘qualifying relationship’ with a woman or her expected child if:
- You are the pregnant woman’s husband or civil partner.
- You live with the woman (whether in a heterosexual or same sex relationship) in an enduring family relationship and are not a relative of the woman.
- You are the expected child’s father.
- You are one of a same sex couple who is to be treated as the child’s other parent under the assisted reproduction provisions in the Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 2008.
- You are the potential applicant for a Parental Order in relation to a child who is expected to be born to a surrogate mother.
Under the rules your employer is entitled to request documentary evidence of an appointment and you should provide a written declaration stating:
- The qualifying relationship that you have with the pregnant woman or expected child.
- That the purpose of taking the time off is specifically to attend an antenatal appointment.
- The appointment has been made on the advice of a registered medical practitioner, midwife or nurse.
- The date and time of the appointment.
If you are not sure about your rights when you partner is pregnant, you can speak to our HR Experts now for more information and guidance our HR Experts can answer your questions.
#antenatalappointment #fathersrights #paterentalrights #paternityrights #hrsolver #pregnancy

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