If you have been called for a disciplinary at work it can be an enormously worrying time and no doubt you will be feeling a lot of stress. It is incredibly important that you are well prepared and know your rights.  Here are some tips to help you prepare for your disciplinary hearing;

  1. If you have been suspended you need to be aware this could be particularly ominous. Suspension should not be done lightly and is normally only activated where the conduct could be construed as ‘gross misconduct’. Gross misconduct is conduct that could warrant instant dismissal with no previous warning(s) being issued and no notice pay paid. Suspension isn’t always the right course of action, read more from HR Solver about suspension.
  2. Think about the role of the person hearing the disciplinary and making the decision about your ongoing employment. What do they want to hear? Remember their main task is to be fair and objective and weigh the case up in a balanced way, determining;
    1. The depth and fairness of the investigation and supporting evidence.
    2. The maliciousness and intent of any behaviour.
    3. The representations of the employee compared to the company’s case.
  3. Preparation is key.
      1. Review all evidence and supporting statements provided to you and make notes on the parts that need corrected.
      2. Write down all the points you want to make.
      3. Consider if you need to give any context; for example managers and colleagues behaviour that led up to you losing your temper.
      4. Your services and any unblemished record
      5. Good conduct and or client praise.

If you need help to prepare, feel your investigation has been unfair or disciplinary hearing flawed access support and advice from our HR experts today. We can help you with the next steps and with making your points to your employer in any appeal or disciplinary hearing.
Also you can download our FREE disciplinary hearing checklist below. This will give you extra tips and ideas on how to prepare for your meeting, including prepping your companion.

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Learn how to create a powerful appeal letter which makes your employer really consider your case and understand that you are a force to be reckoned with...even if you are no good at letter writing.

If you have been dismissed  unfairly (sacked) or issued with a disciplinary warning with no process this detailed and effective training enables you to write a powerful appeal letter. Includes, templates, timelines and training.

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Online interviews are definitely the future! If you need to reset your confidence levels for an online interview and not sure how to engage this course is for you. We cover the mindset and technology that you need to be successful and of course all the questions and the best responses and how to beat all the other candidates to the job. Plus there is an amazing session by a LinkedIn expert on how to impress and update your LinkedIn profile.


FREE Disciplinary Meeting Checklist Download

Never been to a disciplinary meeting? You're not alone! It's a scary thought. Worried about it being fair, how to act, what to say, what not to say and how to prepare? Download our free checklist so you go into the meeting feeling prepared, confident and able to challenge effectively. Our checklist will prepare you with everything you NEED to know.

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redundancy APPEal Letter template

  Need to appeal your redundancy but not sure what to say and how to start? If you feel your redundancy was a sham or that redundancy has been used as an excuse or the company has not followed the lawful redundancy procedure. Download our quick and easy to use letter template an have your appeal letter ready in less than an hour. You'll write a professional, legally correct appeal letter stating your case intelligently. It is so easy to use as we've done all the work for you! Plus you can get support from a redundancy expert!