We all have ambition in our careers, the drive that gets us up out of bed in the morning, rolling our sleeves up and tackling our to-do lists. Here are HR Solver’s 10 Ways to make sure you meet your career goal.

  1. Focus on what your goal is; make it easy to articulate.
  2. Distil your goal into three easy first steps that you can take today.
  3. Imagine what you or the career goal will look like when you achieve it.
  4. Identify the main blocker to reaching the goal and think about possible solutions.
  5. Tell people your goal; scary but this can often be the difference between a career dream staying an aspiration versus becoming a reality.
  6. Write your goal on your mirror or dashboard so you remind yourself of it every day.
  7. Identify a role model and find out what they did to reach their goal.
  8. Read the careers section of any professional magazine, there are often senior people in your chosen profession answering the questions that you may be facing.
  9. Get a good mentor to hold you accountable to actions and making progress towards your goal.
  10. Don’t apologise or be embarrassed about being ambitious, it’s not a ‘dirty word’. The happiest people have a purpose in life.

These are just some quick tips to get you started. If you have questions on your employment situation, chat and get advice from to our HR Experts today. You’ll get knowledgeable, supportive advice in planning your career next steps.

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